Hanna Somatics. Free your centre and spine to walk with efficiency and freedom.
7th October. Balance Studio. Staveley. 9.30-12.00 £30.00
Hanna Somatics isn’t just about getting rid of muscular pain. It is about being more aware of your body, your state of mind, and how it influences you on all levels of your life. It is about full body mindfulness, being a more efficient in your everyday activities and addressing the effects of emotional stress on your body that may have gone unnoticed. No matter your age, no matter your past circumstances, Hanna Somatics can benefit you.
This workshop will focus on mobilising the spine and pelvis so we can walk with comfort and ease whether we go shopping or up a fell!!
A payment of £30 is due with booking.
Send a cheque to Monica Dare 28 The Row Silverdale Lancs LA5 0UG
Or pay by bank transfer Sort: 30-98-02 Acc: 01603503
Ref your name please and text me when you have transferred.